Thread: WEEKDAY()
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Old September 9th, 2006, 01:52 AM posted to microsoft.public.excel.newusers
external usenet poster
Posts: 754
Default WEEKDAY()


Glad I still caught you this late. Thank you for enlightening me.

21/4/2008 is not a number here, so it errors.

If it gives me an error, then I know. The problem is it returns "7" instead of "5" in my other example. That's very misleading and dangerous.

=WEEKDAY(--"21/4/2008") gives #VALUE!
=WEEKDAYS(--"4/21/2008") gives 2.

So, I understand why you prefer =WEEKDAY(--"2008-04-21").

But I prefer "/" to "-" and I tested it. I am glad that "/" works too.

My preference will be =WEEKDAY(--"2008/4/21").

I assume "--" above is the same as "--" in SUMPRODUCT(). Please confirm. Can't find double negating in Help.

I find date functions may be as confusing as SUMPRODUCT().

Will see.


"Bob Phillips" wrote in message ...
But the difference is that when you key 21/4/2008 into cell A1, Excel
recognises it as a date and converts it to an underlying value of 39559,
which it presents/formats as that date.

When you enter it into a function, the function treats it as its argument,
and says that it is invalid as it expects a number (the true underlying
value). 21/4/2008 is not a number here, so it errors.

If you want to enter the date into the WEEKDAY function, you have to force
it into a number, either using another function such as you did with DATE,
or coerce it directly, like


or my preferred format of



Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

"Epinn" wrote in message
Regarding WEEKDAY(), I read that problems can occur if dates are entered as

Based on this, it is understandable that =WEEKDAY(2/14/2008) returns a wrong
result (7). This is because general format is same as text.

If I enter =WEEKDAY(DATE(2008,2,14)), I get the correct result (5).

Okay, so far. What I don't understand is the following.

I click A1 and key in 2/14/2008, then in A2, I key in =WEEKDAY(A1). I also
get the correct result (5).

The way I enter 2/14/2008 to A1 is exactly the same as I enter 2/14/2008
*directly* to the formula. It amazes me that referencing A1 in WEEKDAY()
gives me the correct answer whereas keying it in as part of the formula
won't work.

Comments welcome.
