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Old October 19th, 2005, 05:41 PM
external usenet poster
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Default Add New Field to DB

This DB was created by someone who used to work here and now I am responsible
for the DB.

When I open the relationship window, there is only a line connecting the
fileds I mentioned. Isn't that a one-to-one? It's not a one-to-many (with
the infinity symbol)

To answer your questions:

Do not some employees require more than one type of training class? Yes
they do

Can you at sometime in the future return to using a single field even though
you have two number schemes? We may want to always keep the old number. If
that changes, it won't be for many years.

ANY suggestions? Thank you again for your help

"KARL DEWEY" wrote:

How is it that you have one-to-one? Do not some employees require more than
one type of training class?

Put a dash ( - ) in the old number field.

Can you at sometime in the future return to using a single field even though
you have two number schemes?

"Karen" wrote:

Actually there are relationships set up, but they are one-to-one.

Employee & Training Grid have the Employee Name as one-to-one
Training Grid & Training Type have the Training Type as on-to-one
Training Grid & Procedures Table have the Procedure Number as on-to-one

I will have to add a field for my new procedure numbers in the Procedures
Then I use a form for data entry, which references a query for the record

I do have a few concerns.
Eventually, the old numbers will phase out.
Right now I have a training record that has a new procedure number and not
an old procedure number. I have to leave the old & new number fields on the
form during the transition. In this situation, I don't want to leave the old
number field blank and fill in the new number field. Someone may think that
the user forgot to fill in that field. What should be done in a situation
like this? Right now the vast majority have the old & new number.
"KARL DEWEY" wrote:

Your post did not mention any relations. Do any exist?

YourTraining Grid Table has EmployeeName. If there were relations I would
expect not to find name but EmployeeNumber in the table.

Below is the table structure for a training database my company used for
several years before moving on to a web-Orcale database.

The TEMP EmployeeInfo table is how I connected weekly to HR for new hires,
terminations, and people going or coming off casual/leave of absence.
For a new hire I ran an append query that added all training marked as
required for anyone in their department. Their manager was given a list of
the training for them and asked to mark any training they did not need. That
training was removed from their record.

Table: CourseStatus tbl
Name Type Size
CourseStatusId Long Integer 4
CourseStatus Text 50

Table: CourseType tbl
Name Type Size
CourseTypeID Long Integer 4
CourseType Text 50

Name Type Size
ID Long Integer 4
DP TITLE Text 255
BASIC DATE Date/Time 8
DEPT# Text 4

Name Type Size
NEXT1 Date/Time 8
DEPT Text 6
DCODE Text 7
FNAME Text 12
MNAME Text 12

Name Type Size
ppe Text 50

Table: Report Level
Name Type Size
Level Text 5

Table: Switchboard Items
Name Type Size
SwitchboardID Long Integer 4
ItemNumber Integer 2
ItemText Text 255
Command Integer 2
Argument Text 50

Table: tbl CBT Course Description
Name Type Size
CTL# Long Integer 4
Course Duration Text 2
Audiance Memo -
Prerequisites Memo -
Course Aim Text 255
Learning Objectives Memo -
Topics Covered Memo -
Course Incorporates Text 50

Table: tbl Certification
Name Type Size
Number Long Integer 4
CourseID Text 50
Position Title Text 100
CourseTitle Text 50
RenewalPeriod Single 4

Table: tbl DeptInfo
Name Type Size
Dept# Text 50
Range Text 50
DeptTitle Text 50
DeptManager Text 50

Table: tbl EduCourses
Name Type Size
EduCourseID Long Integer 4
Course# Text 50
CourseTitle Text 150
StartDate Date/Time 8
EndDate Date/Time 8
CreditHours Long Integer 4
Grade Text 50
Cost Currency 8
CourseStatus Long Integer 4

Table: tbl Edu-Degree
Name Type Size
EduDegID Long Integer 4
EmpDegId Long Integer 4
EduCourseID Long Integer 4

Table: tbl EduDegrees
Name Type Size
DegreeID Long Integer 4
DegreeType Text 50

Table: tbl EduUniversities
Name Type Size
UniversityID Long Integer 4
University Text 50
UniversityShort Text 50

Table: tbl Emp-Cert
Name Type Size
Number Long Integer 4
SSN Text 50
DateStart Date/Time 8
DateComp Date/Time 8
Cert Yes/No 1
Required Yes/No 1
Trainer Initials Text 3
Employee Initials Text 3

Table: tbl Emp-Degree
Name Type Size
EmpDegID Long Integer 4
SSN Text 50
UniversityID Long Integer 4
DegreeID Long Integer 4
Major Text 50
DateEntered Date/Time 8
GradDate Date/Time 8
DegreeComp Yes/No 1

Table: tbl Emp-Equipment
Name Type Size
SSN Text 50
OMC# Long Integer 4
StartDate Date/Time 8
EndDate Date/Time 8
CourseStatusID Long Integer 4
PkgStatID Long Integer 4
Certificate Yes/No 1
EntryDate Date/Time 8
Trainer Initials Text 3
Employee Initials Text 3

Table: tbl Emp-ETR
Name Type Size
SSN Text 9
DateRecd Date/Time 8
ReviewDate Date/Time 8
Update Date/Time 8
CertReq? Yes/No 1
O/M Yes/No 1

Table: tbl Emp-ExtCSR
Name Type Size
XAN# Text 200
SSN Text 200
Comp Date Date/Time 8

Table: tbl Emp-Gov Page: 20
Name Type Size
GAN Text 200
SSN Text 50
Class# Text 50
TLN# Text 50
StartDate Date/Time 8
EndDate Date/Time 8
CourseStatusId Long Integer 4
Evaluation Received? Yes/No 1
Certificate Received? Yes/No 1

Table: tbl EMP-IAN
Name Type Size
ID Long Integer 4
SSN Text 50
IAN# Text 50
DateStart Date/Time 8
DateComp Date/Time 8
Certificate Yes/No 1
Required Yes/No 1
Trainer Initals Text 3
Employee Initials Text 3

Table: tbl EMP-IAN 1
Name Type Size
ID Long Integer 4
SSN Text 50
IAN# Text 50
DateStart Date/Time 8
DateComp Date/Time 8
Certificate Yes/No 1
Required Yes/No 1
Trainer Initals Text 3
Employee Initials Text 3

Table: tbl EmployeeInfo
Name Type Size
SSN Text 9
LastName Text 25
FirstName Text 25
MI Text 2
Suffix Text 5
Group# Text 7
Dept# Text 50
CSCShort Text 8
LOA/CSL Yes/No 1
Term Yes/No 1
NonEmployee Yes/No 1
BLDG Text 6
BLDG DATE Date/Time 8
DEPT DATE Date/Time 8
Hire Date Date/Time 8