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Old July 13th, 2004, 09:42 PM
external usenet poster
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Default finding a value in a string

Frank Kabel wrote...
have you tried the UDF?. It should return only this version
number. At least it worked for your example data?


*YOU* didn't test your UDF on the filenames



ABC DEF123 IJK V7.xls

for which your UDF returns 0. Why? Classic off-by-one indexing error.
The statement

sValue = Mid(rng.Value, Len(rng.Value) - 9, 5)

would need to be replaced with

sValue = Mid(rng.Value, Len(rng.Value) - 8, 5)

in order to pick up version numbers immediately preceding '.xls', but
that exposes another failing of your UDF. If the change above were
made, then for the filenames




it returns 50 and 60, respectively, because you're using a character at
a time algorithm that's clueless about '.' being a valid numeric
character as long as it appears once with at least one adjacent
numeral. Even then it'd choke on '6_0', which appears to be a valid
alternative to 6.0.

Anyway, a UDF that copes with all the OP's variations given so far
needs to locate the rightmost numeric substring, and that requires at
least two loops - first to find the end of the rightmost numeric
substring, then to find it's beginning. Here's an alternative UDF
that's more permissive with its argument and returns a string rather
than a number, so strings without such numeric substrings return ""
rather than #VALUE!.

Public Function vn(ByVal v As Variant) As String
Dim i As Long, n As Long, s As String, t As String

n = Len(v) - 4

If n = 0 Then Exit Function 'v is too short

For i = 0 To 4

If Mid(v, n - i, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then
v = Mid(v, n - 4, 5 - i)
n = 5 - i
Exit For
End If

Next i

If i 4 Then Exit Function

For i = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
s = Right(v, n - i)
t = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(s, "_", ".")

If IsNumeric(s) Then
vn = s

ElseIf IsNumeric(t) Then
vn = t

Exit For

End If

Next i

End Function

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