Thread: Need Subforms?
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Old April 6th, 2005, 11:57 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

Thanks, Steve for your suggestion. Been busy with other projects to reply
back. With your suggestion, I reviewed table structure and design.
Initially, I started out with 4 tables:
1. tblAccounts
2. tblEmployees
3. tblPayType
4. tblTimecard

As a result of following documentation on Database Normalization Basics from
this site and another site:

I restructured the tables and renamed more descriptive and reviewed table
relationships. Here are my tables:
1. tblEmployees:
1) pkeyEmployeeId = AutoNumber
2) strLastName = Text
3) intStaffNumber = Number
4) fkeyEmployeeTypeId = Number

2. tblEmployeeType:
1) pkeyEmployeeTypeId = AutoNumber
2) strEmployeeClass = Text
3) strEmployeeType = Text

3. tblAccounts:
1) pkeyAcctId = AutoNumber
2) intCostCenter = Number
3) intAcctNo = Number
4) intCategory = Text
5) strAcctName = Text
6) strAcctDescription = Text

3. tblPayType:
1) pkeyPayTypeId = AutoNumber
2) strPayType = Text
3) strDescription = Text

4. tblPayroll Schedule:
1) pkeyPayrollScheduleId = AutoNumber
2) intPayYear = Number
3) intPayPeriodId = Text
4) dtmPayStartDate = Date/Time
5) dtmPayEndDate = Date/Time
6) dtmCheckDate = Date/Time

5. tblTimecard:
1) pkeyTimecardId = AutoNumber
2) intStaffNumber = Number
3) fkeyPayrollScheduleId = Number

6. tblTimecardHours:
1) pkeyTimecardDetailId = AutoNumber
2) fkeyTimecardId = Number
3) fkeyAcctId = Number
4) fkeyPayTypeId = Number
5) strAllocation = Text
6) intSat = Number
7) intSun = Number
8) intMon = Number
9) intTue = Number
10) intWed = Number
11) intThu = Number
12) intFri = Number

Here is the layout of Main Form in this order:
1. Pay Period Id
2. Week Ending
3. Employee Number
4. Employee Last Name
5. Employee First Name

Here is the layout of Subform in this order:
1. Acct Id
2. Description
3. Cost Center
4. Acct
5. Category
6. Pay Type Id
7. Pay Type
8. Allocation
9. SAT
10. SUN
11. MON
12. TUE
13. WED
14. THU
15. FRI
16. Wk Hrs

I hope this posting will help others facing same issue as me.
AccessRookie =)

"Steve Schapel" wrote:


I am not really able to specifically answer your questions. But I would
comment that your table design at the moment involves a lot of
redundancy (i.e. the same information being stored in more than one
place), the storage of derived/calculated data (which makes things more
difficult and unnecessarily complicated), and other examples of
unnormalisation (for example the "fields as data" trap of separate
fields for the days of the week). Is there a chance you could review
your table structure?
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

AccessRookie wrote:
Help me, please! I am putting together an automated Time Card Entry Form. I
have the following fields on this form as follows:
1. Week Ending: automatically populates with "mm/dd/yyyy" date format
from tblPayrollSchedule. This field will insert the correct pay period with
comparing against today's date.
2. Employee Number: combo box that will populate next field, Employee
Name, after user select correct Employee Number.
3. Employee Name: Text Box will appear "LastName, FirstName" order.
4. Description: combo box containing a list of labor description that has
associated fields as follows.
5. Cost Center: Text Box will populate after selecting Description.
6. Acct: Text Box will populate after selecting Description.
7. Category: Text Box will populate after selecting Description.
8. Pay Type: Combo Box to eliminate data entry errors.
9. Allocation: Free form, to type comments.
10. Days of Week: Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
11. Regular: totals of regular hours worked.
12. Overtime: totals of overtime hours worked.
13. Vacation: totals of vacation hours taken.
14. Holiday: totals of holiday hours taken.
15. Sick: totals of sick hours taken.
16. Personal: totals of personal hours taken.
17. Total Wk Hrs: total hours for the week for per line of Description.

Here are my tables:
1. tblEmployees:
1) LastName = Text
2) FirstName = Text
3) EmployeeId = Number (Primary Key)
4) EmployeeClass = Text
5) EmployeeType = Text

2. tblAccounts:
1) CostCenter = Number
2) AcctNo = Number
3) Category = Text
4) AcctName = Text
5) AcctDescription = Text (Primary Key)
6) PayType = Text

3. tblPayType:
1) PayType = Text
2) Description = Text

4. tblRegRate:
1) EmployeeId = Number (Primary Key)
2) EmployeeType = Text
3) PayType = Text
4) HourlyRate = Number
5) AnnualRate = Number

5. tblOtRate:
1) EmployeeId = Number (Primary Key)
2) EmployeeType = Text
3) PayType = Text
4) RegHourlyRate = Number
5) OTHourlyRate = Number
6) AnnualRate = Number

6. tblDdRate:
1) EmployeeId = Number (Primary Key)
2) EmployeeType = Text
3) PayType = Text
4) RegHourlyRate = Number
5) DDHourlyRate = Number
6) AnnualRate = Number

7. tblTimecard:
1) LastName = Text
2) FirstName = Text
3) EmployeeId = Number
4) PayPeriod = Date/Time
5) EmployeeClass = Text
6) EmployeeType = Text
7) SAT = Number
8) SUN = Number
9) MON = Number
10) TUE = Number
11) WED = Number
12) THU = Number
13) FRI = Number
14) CostCenter = Number
15) AcctNo = Number
16) Category = Text
17) AcctName = Text
18) AcctDescription = Text
19) PayType = Text
20) Allocation = Text
21) TotalRegHrs = Number
22) TotalOTHrs = Number
23) TotalVacHrs = Number
24) TotalHolHrs = Number
25) TotalSickHrs = Number
26) TotalPersHrs = Number
27) TotalWeekHrs = Numbers

8. tblPayrollSchedule:
1) PayId = Number
2) PayStartDate = Date/Time
3) PayEndDate = Date/Time
4) CheckDate = Date/Time

Here is the layout of my form in this order:
1. Week Ending
2. Employee Number
3. Employee Last Name
4. Employee First Name
5. Description
6. Cost Center
7. Acct
8. Category
9. Pay Type
10. Allocation
11. SAT
12. SUN
13. MON
14. TUE
15. WED
16. THU
17. FRI
18. Total Wk Hrs

Question 1: what code do I need to automatically populate "Week Ending"
field with the correct "CheckDate"
that will compare against today's date and insert into "Week Ending" field?

Question 2: how come the following fields are not populating:
1. LastName
2. FirstName
3. EmployeeClass
4. EmployeeType
5. CostCenter
6. AcctNo
7. Category
8. AcctName

But these fields are populating:
1. EmployeeId
2. PayPeriod
3. AcctDescription
4. PayType
5. Allocation
6. TotalRegHrs
7. TotalOTHrs
8. TotalVacHrs
9. TotalHolHrs
10. TotalSickHrs
11. TotalPersHrs

Question 3: how can I get the 2nd section which starts from "5. Description"
til "18. Total Wk Hrs" to display in multiple rows like a Datasheet format?
Do I need to create a subform? But "Description" field still needs to have a
combo box for user to pick from a list of labor description that will
automatically populate these fields:
1. Cost Center
2. Acct
3. Category

Question 4: If I do need to create subform then how can I link the mainform
to subform and what foreign keys
do I need and where do I put these foreign keys?

Question 5: what formula do I use to calculate "Total Wk Hrs" field? Do I
need to create an actual field in tblTimecard or
can I just get the total from summing with an Expression?

It's been a while since I have done Access development.
AccessRookie =)