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Old December 7th, 2004, 06:25 AM
external usenet poster
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Default I need help with my design Database Requirements.xls (01/01)

Hi, i am having some trouble decided how to design this database. I have attached an excel spreadsheet with all the requirements. So far this is
what i have come with:

-PersonId (PK)

-PersonRoleAddressID (autonumber pk)
-PersonId (unique idx fld1) (FK - tblPerson)
-PersonTypeId (unique idx fld2) (FK - tblPersonType)

tblPersonType (going to be a lookup)
-PersonTypeId (PK)
-PersonType (determine whether they are a customer, doctor, business)

-PersonRoleAddressID (pk) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)

-PersonRoleAddressID (pk) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)

-PersonRoleAddressID (pk fld1) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-ClinicID (pk fld2) (FK - tblClinicDetail)

I'm not to sure if this is correct so far, if anyone has a better suggestion on how to go about this, let me know. I was thinking of using a switchboard with 3 different types
of contacts to enter into the database with fields unique to the type of role. Plus i have a multi select listbox that i have to do and don't know where to link that.

If anyone can help, i would really appreciate it. Or even email me. Thanks in advance
