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Old March 11th, 2005, 10:43 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

In your project table, set up the FK fields as not required. In the
relationships, keep the referential integrity.

On a form, you setup a combo box. In the Format properties of the combo box
make the Column Count: 2
and the Column Widths: 0";1"
Under the Data tab, the Bound Column should be: 1

If you use Access' query designer view: When you build your query for the
report, include the 'feeder' table and just drag the text field from the
feeder table to the grid. Access will "know" how to keep the relationships

"IrenaY" wrote:

I understand that I need to build table relationships based on IDs, not on
text values that may change over the life of the database. I have read in
this discussion group the perils of value lists in a table. Here's my

One foundation table named TBL_Project has eight fields in it that are FKs
(number), linked to small "reference" or "feeder" tables, and the only things
these individual tables have in them are PKs (autonumber) and their
descriptions (text). When we data enter, we need to see the descriptions on
the forms and on the reports. All eight fields will be data entered on one

In addition, I presently have a one-to-many relationship but have played
around with not enforcing referential integrity in order to populate other
fields in TBL_Project. Prior to taking off the ref integrity, I checked to
see if the field was required or not.

So, my queries a How do I see the values, not the IDs?
Is it okay to not enforce ref integrity in order to populate the rest of the
data in the foundation table? It would help if you took me through it slowly
if it involves any code, I'm not quite there yet.

