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Old August 18th, 2006, 05:01 PM posted to microsoft.public.access.tablesdbdesign
external usenet poster
Posts: 17
Default Problems with Delete Command

Thanks Graham.

Sorry for the delayed response. I wanted to see if I could cobble
something together myself without asking for help everytime. The
fruits of my labour appear below. Again, any suggestions for
improvement would be appreciated.

Private Sub txtWebComType_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

'Prevent user warnings
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

If IsNull(Me.txtWebComType) Then

' Dimension variables
Dim strMsg_Del As String ' First delete confirmation
Dim strTitle_Del As String ' Title for first delete
Dim strMsg_Contacts As String ' Second delete confirmation
(record relates to other contacts)
Dim strTitle_Contacts As String ' Title for second delete

Dim strSQL_Contacts As String ' SQL string to check if record
relates to other Contacts
Dim strSQL_ScrollBars As String ' SQL string to determine if
vertical scrollbars are required
Dim strSQL_DeleteMain As String ' SQL string to delete entry in
main (not junction) table
Dim strSQL_ContactNames As String ' SQL string to get names of
related contacts

Dim rstTemp As DAO.Recordset ' Recordset to store details of
other Contacts related to existing record

' Initialise variables
strMsg_Del = "Would you like to delete this entry?"
strTitle_Del = "Delete WebCommunication Record"
strMsg_Contacts = "This record relates to the other Contacts listed
below. " & vbCrLf
strMsg_Contacts = strMsg_Contacts & "Do you want to want to delete
the record for these Contacts too?"
strTitle_Contacts = "Multi-Contact Record"

strSQL_Contacts = "SELECT * FROM ContactWebComs " & _
"WHERE ([ContactWebComs].[WebComID]=" &
Me.ContactWebComs_WebComID & ") " & _
"AND NOT ([ContactWebComs].[ContactID] = " &
Me.ContactID & ")"

strSQL_DeleteMain = "Delete * from WebComs where WebComID=" &
Me.ContactWebComs_WebComID & ""

strSQL_ContactNames = "SELECT Individuals.FirstName,
Individuals.LastName FROM Individuals WHERE Individuals.ContactID IN "

' Undo changes to existing row
Cancel = True

' Make sure that the user is not simply trying to delete an empty
If IsNull(Me.ContactWebComs_WebComID) Then

' Row did not relate to an existing record - no need to access
' Just remove the empty row on the form
Me.AllowAdditions = False

' Row relates to an existing record

' Does user want to proceed with delete?
If MsgBox(strMsg_Del, vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or
vbDefaultButton2, strTitle_Del) _
= vbYes Then

' Delete command confirmed - now assess the user's options
' First: Check whether entry relates to other Contacts in
the Junction Table
Set rstTemp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL_Contacts)

' Make sure the recordset is not empty
If Not rstTemp.EOF Then

' record relates to other Contacts
Dim fld As Field
Dim strFields As String
Dim strContactIDS As String
Dim strContactNames As String

strContactIDS = "("
strContactNames = ""


' Enumerate related ContactIDs
For i = 1 To rstTemp.RecordCount
strContactIDS = strContactIDS &
strContactIDS = strContactIDS & ","
Next i

' Remove last comma
strContactIDS = Mid(strContactIDS, 1,
(Len(strContactIDS) - 1))
strContactIDS = strContactIDS & ")"

' Clear existing recordset variable
Set rstTemp = Nothing

' reset recordset variable
Set rstTemp =
CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL_ContactNames & strContactIDS)


' Enumerate related Contact Names
For i = 1 To rstTemp.RecordCount
strContactNames = strContactNames &
rstTemp.Fields("FirstName").Value & " "
strContactNames = strContactNames &
rstTemp.Fields("LastName").Value & vbCrLf
Next i

' Query user: delete the underlying record or just
the Junction Table entry?
Select Case MsgBox(strMsg_Contacts & vbCrLf &
vbCrLf & _
"Related Contacts: " & vbCrLf & strContactNames, _
vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton2,

Case vbYes
MsgBox ("Confirmed delete underlying table.")
GoTo Delete_Main
Case vbNo
MsgBox ("Confirmed delete junction table
entries only." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "strSQL_DeleteMain: " &
GoTo Delete_Junction
Case vbCancel
Exit Sub
Case Else
End Select

' If recordset is empty, record relates to this Contact only
GoTo Delete_Main
End If

End If ' User has cancelled delete command - No need to for
extra Undo and Cancel

End If ' Close second If ... Then statement

End If ' Close first If ... Then statement (IsNull(Me.txtWebComType))

'Reset original settings
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

Exit Sub


' Delete entries in the primary table (cascade delete will delete
junction table entries)
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL_DeleteMain, dbFailOnError


' Make sure there is no empty "add new record" row
Me.AllowAdditions = False

Exit Sub


' WebCom relates to other Contacts, delete Junction Table entries
Set rstTemp2 = Me.RecordsetClone

' Make sure recordset is not empty
If Not Me.RecordsetClone.EOF Then

With Me.RecordsetClone
.Bookmark = Me.Bookmark
End With

' Make sure there is no empty "add new record" row
Me.AllowAdditions = False

' Clean Up
Set rstTemp2 = Nothing

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub


Graham Mandeno wrote:

Hi Bob

I see your misunderstanding. RecordsetClone should be used only to delete
the junction record that is currently displayed in your subform, simply to
avoid the #Deleted display. You could do a SQL delete followed by
Me.Requery if you prefer (remembering the Me.Undo first, of course!)

To delete the record in WebComs, do a SQL delete:

CurrentDb.Execute "Delete * from tblWebComs where WebComID=" _
& lngID, dbFailOnError

If you ALWAYS want to delete ALL the related junction table records, then
forget the RecordsetClone.Delete and just execute the SQL delete followed by
Me.Requery. (The cascade deletes will take care of the rest.)
Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

"Bob" wrote in message
Hi Graham,

I have cascade deletes set at the moment. But how do I get
recordsetclone to point to one table rather than the other to
facilitate switching between options? (ie to delete from WebComs and
the junction table for option 3, but only from the junction table if
the record in WebComs is required for other relationships as per option

Do I need to fiddle with the select query that I am currently using as
the record source for the subform (see my first post) to enable
recordsetclone to achieve this? Or is recordsetclone not able to be
used where you have a many to many relationship?


Hi Bob

Yes - basically the user has four choices (you may not wish to offer all

1. Do nothing and undo the change to the record.
2. Delete the junction record and leave the WebComs record intact
3. Delete the junction record and the WebComs record if it is no longer
4. Delete all related junction records AND the WebComs record

Currently you are offering only 1 or 2.

You can facilitate 4 by setting Cascade Deletes on the relation between
WebComs and the junction table.

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

"Bob" wrote in message
Hi Graham,

Yes, there is meant to be a many to many relationship here. I am
that the recordsetclone property doesn't delete the entries in both
at the same time since the form's recordsource contains an inner join.

As for "lights out" code you mentioned, to be honest I hadn't even
of that. Conceptually, then, I take it that the code has to follow the
following procedu

1. Allow user to invoke delete (by clearing text box)
2. Get user confirmation to delete
3. Lookup the ContactWebComs table to check if current WebCom is linked
any other entries
4. If other entries exist, advise user - and delete the relevant
table entries only (ie leave entry in WebComs alone)
5. Else, delete entries in both tables.

Is this the way it's normally done?


"Graham Mandeno" wrote in message
But the fact that you have a junction table suggests a many-to-many
relationship. One contact has many WebComs and one WebCom can be
by many contacts.

Is this the case?

If not, then you need to change your design. If one WebCom cannot be
shared by many contacts then you don't need a junction table - you
need a ContactID field in tblWebComs and a ONE-to-many relationship.

If it truly is many-to-many, then perhaps you want to have additional
code that says, "If this guy is the last to leave then turn out the
lights". In other words, if no further ContactWebComs records refer to
this WebComs record, then delete it.


Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

"Bob" wrote in message
Hi Graham,

Just in case I've got part of this wrong, this is what I now have in
BeforeUpdate event:

If IsNull(Me.txtWebComType) Then
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strSQL As String
strMsg = "Would you like to delete this entry?"
strTitle = "Delete WebCommunication Record"
Me.Undo ' do this unconditionally
Cancel = True
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton2,
strTitle) _
= vbYes Then

With Me.RecordsetClone
.Bookmark = Me.Bookmark
End With

End If
End If

This certainly works without have to requery the database after the
delete. Unfortunately, the code is only deleting the entries in my
junction table (ContactWebComs) - not the entries in my linked table


Graham Mandeno wrote:

Hi Bob

Instead of
With Me.RecordsetClone
.Bookmark = Me.Bookmark
End With

The method using RecordsetClone should work with all versions of
not require a Requery. Opening a separate Recordset will still
requery (as will a SQL delete) because the form's recordset is not

And no, you do not require the second Undo/Cancel. If txtWebComType
been cleared then the Undo/Cancel must happen in any case - either
the user does not want to delete the record, or because the lock on
record must be released so it can be deleted. That's why I moved it
before the If MsgBox...

The reason the code does not work in AfterUpdate is that only the
been updated at that point, not the entire record, so the record is
still in
the process of being edited.
Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

"Bob" wrote in message